Net Store

[Net Store] is to share information easily.You can send a message with the attachments selected from [Net Store],or save the attachments to [Net Store] from messages.

Current directory information

You can check the used space,the number of subdirectories and files in the current directory.Click the [Select Directory] button to change current directory.


You can list all the files and directories in ascending/descending order by [Name],[Size] or [Date]. The icon means ascending, means descending.

Function keys

Name Click the name to open the file or save it to appointed directory,the same as clicking icon .
Enter the subdirectory.
Back to the previous directory.
Click the icon to view the flie.
If files or directories are shared,the icon will appear right of them.You can click the icon to make it unshared.
Click the icon to send a message with a address link to the file or directory.
Click the icon to send a message attached the file.
The same as clicking files name.
Click the icon to view property.A dialog box will appear listing information suck as [Name],[Location],[Size],etc.
/ Click the checkboxes to select files and directories.
To delete files and directories.
To attach the selected files to a message.
To send a message with addresses link to the selected files and directories.
To share the selected files and directories.
To make the shared files and directories to unshared.
To view a window listing all the shared files.From this window,you can view the [Name],[Size],[Modify Time] of shared files.
Enter a name in the empty box left,then click this button to create a new subdirectory.
Enter a name in the empty box left,then click this button to rename the selected directory.
Click this button to move the selected files and directories to appointed directory.
Click this button to copy the selected files and directories to appointed directory.

Quota Limit

You can check current used space,available space and the other information.
Note:If the quota of your [Net Store] is unlimited(size="0"),the [Quota Limit] will not display.


Click the button to select files,then click the button to upload.You can upload 4 files once a upload.